Author: jingzhechen

Blog#4 Understanding social psychology in the basic level by watching a video.

What kind of interaction would the video require from your students? Does it force them to respond in some way (inherent)?

The video is about learning basic social psychology, It is a teaching video that is most suitable for watching. The interaction is not necessary for the video, but it did provide some instructions. First, no one should be left out of learning, so we must have measures that everybody can have assessability to the course, students by rasing their hands in the zoom meeting can specify which help they need, and the professors can work on the solutions. Second, social psychology is an interactive topic, so I would suggest that students not only learn from the videos but apply some of the knowledge through practice in real life.

In what way are they likely to respond to the video on their own, e.g. make notes, do an activity, think about the topic (learner-generated)?

Making notes is a powerful way to respond to the video especially if they are watching the videos without a professor. Since the video is recorded and there are not many activities provided within the video, I would suggest taking notes as the most effective response.

How much work for you would that activity cause? Would the work be both manageable and worthwhile? Could the activity be scaled for larger numbers of students?

The work will be manageable and worthwhile, the students can choose their way of approaching the activity since some students might have a physical problem that prevents them from engaging in a hard and heavy load of activity. The activity should be easy to complete.

How could the video have been designed to generate more or better activity from viewers or students?

The activity is essential either a quiz or puzzle where there should be more accessibility for disabled students as well.

Blog#3 Inclusive design

How will my interactive learning resource specifically ensure that the needs of all learners can be met?

According to an inclusive learning design post: “An inclusive design begins with the understanding that every person is a learner, and every learner has the right to pursue excellence and achievement. ” There are many ways we can assure the needs of all learners. First, different levels of difficulty in tasks can be attributed to different groups of people. For people who have little knowledge about a topic, they can start with the least difficult task, as for people who already have previous knowledge, a harder task can be used to measure their learning. For people who have a disability, a separate task can be applied. For example, people who are experiencing blindness. The instructions will be read by the instructor and the reply can be verbal instead of written.

How can you adjust your planned learning activities to meet the needs of your learners if an unexpected event occurs?

There will be separate training provided by instructors for learning activities, for example, the pandemic happens, the employees have to go through new training to ensure their productivity.

Consider the learning environment for your current design. What potential barriers can be reduced or eliminated to provide more pathways for learner success?

Some of the learning resources used in my interactive learning design are from the university databases which have limits for people who are not attending universities or colleges. Well-known news articles can be possible sources for learners as well, however, the validity of these news articles need to be checked.


Feedback and Comments on Blog 1

Hi, Nataly, I really liked your post on learning, motivation and theory. You mentioned the behaviourism method for learning which it can be applied to teach individuals in all developmental stages. I really like your interpretation on Behavioursim method. The example you used which receiving an A+ grade and the positive feedback from your parent’s verbal praise and ackowledgment is an great example for how the motivation works in learning.

Hi, Ben, I really liked your pictures and I also agreed with your idea that starting a new school year having lessons written with a mix of three approaches is probably the best way. I also think the way you proposed your teaching method in your article will have a effective impact.

Blog#2 Open pedagogies

Open pedagogy describes teaching practices

  1. commit to learner-driven education that is access-oriented.
  2. enable students to engage in the field of public knowledge and content creation through assignments and learning tools. 

Open pedagogy is included with creating, adapting or updating OER with students, building course policies, learning outcomes and course assignments by working collaboratively with students. It is “the practice of engaging with students as creators of information rather than simply consumers of it. It’s a form of experiential learning in which students demonstrate understanding through the act of creation.

It also aligns with the topic mentioned in our group’s blueprint design where we our topic is basically how to learn better. For instance, a study by James et al. (2021) states a survey by Surgical Neurology International found that the most favored ways of learning is by reading abstracts likely associated with the single papers they read, followed by searching the internet and talking with colleagues. This means that the way we learn is based on reading and social interactions. In this learning design, we divided the ideas into two parts: First, the instructional methods educators can use to frame and guide the lessons they teach, and second, strategies that educators can use to support effective learning during their lessons.

It will also have a place in my final interactive learning project since I decided to the final project based on a psychology angle.


Open pedagogy. Kwantlen Polytechnic University. (2022, August 22). Retrieved October 7, 2022, from

Post#1 Why is learning so hard? Is there a better way to learn?

 Learning has been almost a component in everyone’s life. Almost everyone in Canada has attended a highschool, and many of them will go to a post-secondary institution. Learning is not just a process of inputting knowledge and then output it whenever needed. It’s more about the interaction between you and the environment around you.

Many of us find learning something is a “hard” process. For example, trying to get an A in a psychology upper level course required a huge amount of time and effort. Learning a new language requires endless practice. The youtube video by Sandlin(2015) illustrate how hard it is to ride a bike backwards. He mentioned in his video that “knowledge does not equal to understanding.” Which can also be applied to other contexts. Our brain is often rigid and inflexible which makes us to stick with our opinions. Besides the well known psychology term: confirmation bias. Another psychology term: Self-Justification can also be applied. When we experience cognitive dissonance, we tend to justify the behavior committed by ourselves. This phenomenon makes it difficult for us as humans to adjust our mind and listen to our peers. 

 But is it possible to learn more efficiently and successfully? I will use one of the examples from one of the psychology classes I took this summer. I ended up with an A+ for that course, and I believed that the patterns of that course are effective and resultful. First, the course involves a quiz for each topic, as well as a homework assignment. The quiz has no limitation on time and you can try as many as possible. In my opinion, a better learning process involves practice, and the more practice you get, the better. Imagine reviewing the topic you just learnt by simply your notes from the class and by doing quiz and homework. It is almost certain the second one has a more profound influence on your learning.

In conclusion, the learning process varies on different people, and there are many ways you can get better at learning. My blog is merely an example which I found very useful.


destinws2. (2015, April 24). The backwards brain bicycle – smarter every day 133. YouTube. Retrieved September 20, 2022, from

Jingzhe Chen’s introduction

Hello, this is Jingzhe , a 3rd year psychology student, I am looking forward to this term, and I enjoy working out and playing computer games. I am from China, but I have been studying in Victoria for couple years. I really enjoy living in Victoria, I love the fact that you can enjoy different styles of food from different countries. My favorite food is the Vietnamese noodles. I can’t wait to experience the fall term both online and offline. Below is the picture of my adorable cat in China.

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